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The latest news is shown below from Air Quality in Scotland, with the most recent at the top.

The eleventh edition of the Scottish Air Quality Database (SAQD) stakeholder newsletter has been published, on behalf of the Scottish Government, by Ricardo Energy & Environment.

Scottish Government have published the Air Quality Scotland Brochure 2019 and it can be downloaded from the Technica

A consultation on a draft new air quality strategy for Scotland, taking into account the recommendations arising from the independent review of the Cleaner Air for Scotland strategy ca be found at:

SCOTLAND’S Clean Air Day free resources have gone live – giving supporters and participants plenty of time to organise their air pollution busting activities in time for the big day on Thur

Scottish Government has given The University of Stirling permission to carry out a survey on why and how we use Scottish air quality information.

Updated time variance analysis of air in Scotland during the Covid 19 travel restrictions.
Updated time variance analysis of air in Scotland during the Covid 19 travel restrictions.
Updated analysis on the affect that Covid-19 travel restrictions has had on Scottish Air Quality. More to follow.
The tenth edition of the Scottish Air Quality Database (SAQD) stakeholder newsletter has been published, on behalf of the Scottish Government, by Ricardo Energy & Environment.
Updated analysis on the affect that Covid-19 travel restrictions has had on Scottish Air Quality. More to follow.
Due to a lack of time at the SAQD seminar this year Stephen Stratton (Ricardo) was unable to present his talk titled “Research study to investigate particulate matter monitoring techniques in Scotlan
Ricardo Energy and Environment has carried out additional analysis on the affect the restrictions put in place due to Covid-19 have had on Scottish air quality. More to follow.

Provided is a summary analysis of NO2 concentrations at four Scottish monitoring sites during the week 30 March to 05 April 2020 compared to 01 - 07 April 2019.

Provided is a short article describing how transboundary pollution affect air quality in Scotland.
Due to the current restrictions imposed across the country, Local Authorities may be deprioritising collection of garden waste to focus on essential waste collection.

The Annual Scottish Air Quality Database and Website Annual Seminar took place on Wednesday 4th March at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

The annual Scottish Air Quality Database and Website Annual Seminar is taking place on Wednesday 4 March 2020 at University of Strathclyde, Technology & Innovation Centre, 99 George Street, Gla