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The latest news is shown below from Air Quality in Scotland, with the most recent at the top.

The interactive air pollution concentration maps presented in this report for the year 2016 have been prepared for Scotland under the Scottish Air Quality Database (SAQD) project, using Scotland-sp

The sixth edition of the Scottish Air Quality Database (SAQD) stakeholder newsletter has been published, on behalf of the Scottish Government, by Ricardo Energy & Environment.

The fifth edition of the Scottish Air Quality Database (SAQD) stakeholder newsletter has been published, on behalf of the Scottish Government, by Ricardo Energy & Environment.

The Scotland Air Pollution Forecast has recently been improved with forecasts now more detailed to Scotland at a local level, and also with the addition of new supporting information on weather for

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Welsh Government, the Scottish Government and the Department of the Environment in Northern Ireland published the following reports which can be

The interactive air pollution concentration maps presented in this report for the year 2015 have been prepared for Scotland under the Scottish Air Quality Database (SAQD) project, using Scotland-sp

The fourth edition of the Scottish Air Quality Database (SAQD) stakeholder newsletter has been published, on behalf of the Scottish Government, by Ricardo Energy & Environment.

The annual Scottish Air Quality Database and Website Annual Seminar is taking place on Monday 22 January 2018 at IET Glasgow Teachers Building, 14 St Enoch Square, Glasgow, G1 4DB.

Scottish Government have published the Air Quality Scotland Brochure 2016 and it can be downloaded from the Technical reports

Enjoy the bonfire night celebrations over the coming weekend but be aware that the many firework events organised can cause air pollution levels to become elevated over a relatively short period

The following reports have recently been released:

The third edition of the Scottish Air Quality Database (SAQD) stakeholder newsletter has been published, on behalf of the Scottish Government, by Ricardo Energy & Environment.

The Scottish Government is seeking views on how best to put in place LEZs following a commitment to introduce LEZs into Scotland’s four biggest cities by 2020.

The Environment Agency, UK Automated Urban and Rural Network (AURN) network contractors are in the process of updating the health and safety advice regarding the Met One 1020 Beta Attenuation Mon

First annual progress report setting out progress on actions in the Cleaner Air for Scotland strategy was published on the Scottish Government publications website and can be found at: