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The number of websites providing information on air and other environmental quality continues to increase rapidly. Follow the links below for a list of links to European pages, American pages and other pages from around the world. We also have links to environment organisations, pressure groups and sites containing meteorological data.

The Scottish Government is not responsible for the contents or reliability of the linked websites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them. Listing shall not be taken as endorsement of any kind. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all of the time and we have no control over availability of the linked pages.


Scotland's Environment
Air Quality information.
Scottish Government - AQM
Air Quality Management pages.
Scottish Government - Home
Home page of the Scottish Government.
Scottish Government - Stats
Statistics on-line.
Public Health Scotland
Public Health Scotland's webpages
Scotland's Environment
Scottish Environment website.
Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics
Statistical datasets on the Scottish Environment.
Home page of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency.
National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory
The Scottish Pollutant Release Inventory is a publicly accessible database of releases of pollutants to all environmental media and transfers of waste.
Environmental Protection Scotland
Environmental Protection Scotland (EPS) has roots stretching back to the 19th Century. We bring together individuals and organisations across the public, private and voluntary sectors to discuss and promote ideas, knowledge and solutions to achieve our aim of a cleaner, quieter, healthier and sustainable Scotland.
Royal Environmental Health Society of Scotland
The Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland, often referred to by the acronym REHISĀ®, is an independent, self-financing registered Scottish charity whose main objectives are for the benefit of the community to promote the advancement of Environmental Health.
Scotland and Northern Ireland Forum for Environmental Research.
Sustainable Scotland Network
Local Authorities working together for a sustainable Scotland.
Perth & Kinross Council
Air Quality information for adults and children about pollution in the Perth & Kinross region.


Andorra Air Quality
Air quality website for Andorra showing near real-time air pollution levels and other air pollution information.
Association for the monitoring and the study of atmospheric pollution in Alsace, France.
The database provides an emissions inventory for 30 European countries based on 1994. Information is provided by country, and will in the future be available also by industrial sector and pollutant.
Danish Air Quality Data
Air pollution information from Danish Department of Environmental Science.
European Environment Agency.
Environment Daily - European environmental information.
EU Air Quality
European Commission's Air Quality pages.
Federal Environmental Agency of Germany
An extensive site covering their many activities, in both German and English.
IIASA - TAP Project
Project Details of the Transboundary Air Pollution Project at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria.
Information on ambient air quality in Belgium, which has daily ozone values over the summer, as well as historical data. Pages in Dutch, French, German and English.
Swedish Environmental Research Institute. Up-to-date summaries of current air quality and real-time monitoring data. Pages exist for the cities of Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmo and Copenhagen region, Norkoeping and Vasteras.
The Dutch National Institute of Public Health and the Environment pages.
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Swedish national agency for environmental protection and nature conservation.
Online air quality data for the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany.


Air Quality Information Publications
Publications from the Air and Radiation Division of the US.
AQMD Air Quality Management District
South Coast Air Quality Management District - which covers Southern California, including Los Angeles. Containing a general introduction, forecasts, summary and reports.
Colorado APCD
Information from the Air Pollution Control Division of the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment.
Indoor air quality resource
Resource site for everything to do with indoor air quality. Full of newsletters, articles, links and other resources - ALL FREE - in one easy to navigate site to save time and money.
PA DEP - Bureau of Air Quality Home Page
Air Quality in the State of Pennsylvania - wide coverage of information.
Forecasting air quality across the USA.
Utah DEQ - Division of Air Quality Home Page
Air Quality and related information from Utah.


British Columbia Ministry of the Environment
Air quality information including strategy on emissions, comments on climate change etc.
Environment Canada
Information on air quality and emissions.
Environmental Protection Department of Hong Kong
Air Pollution Index (API) supplies daily air quality information.
Department of the Environment, Australia
Environmental information from Australia.


Asthma UK
The UK's leading asthma charity. There are over five million people with asthma in the UK, and Asthma UK is here for them when they need us most.
British Lung Foundation
One person in five in the UK is affected by lung disease. Millions more are at risk. We are here for every one of them, leading the fight against lung disease.
Chest Heart and Stroke
Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland improves the quality of life for people in Scotland affected by chest, heart and stroke illness, through medical research, influencing public policy, advice and information and support in the community.
Chartered Institute for Environmental Health
The Chartered Institute for Environmental Health is a professional, awarding and campaigning body at the forefront of environmental and public health and safety.
Clean Air Hub
Global Action Plan's Clean Air Hub.
Health, Environment and Work
This site provides many academically based educational resources related to Occupational and Environmental Health and Medicine.
World Health Organisation
The World Health Organisation Environment and health and air quality pages.


BADC METEOSAT Weather Images
Meteosat images of Europe.
BBC Weather
UK weather forecasting.
ECMWF Home Page
Home of the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts, including data archive and images of medium range weather maps.
EUMETSAT satellite images
Monitoring weather and climate from space.
Freese-Notis Weather.Net for Europe
Website with various weather related information.
KNMI Home Page
The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute Home Page, including weather forecasts over the whole of Europe.
National Weather Service
US Weather Information Site.
Interactive satellite images from NASA
Met Office
Providing UK forecast for week ahead.
The Weather Channel
Providing weather forecasts for UK, Europe and internationally.
World Meteorological Organisation
Providing information about weather, climate and water globally.
Weather Online
UK weather forecasting website.


UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
The European Environment Agency Web pages.
Environment Agency
The English Environment Agency website
European Topic Centre for Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation
The European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change assists the European Environment Agency in its support to EU policy in the field of air pollution and climate change.
Friends of the Earth
Friends of the Earth website.
Greenpeace International
Greenpeace International website.
Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, University of Colorado.
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research.