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On the 11th April 2012, updated mapped concentrations of background NOX, NO2 and PM10 on a 1 x 1 km grid square basis were made available on the Scottish Air Quality Database. The 2010 modelled annual mean background air pollutant concentration maps combine Scottish air pollutant measurements with spatially disaggregated emissions information. Scottish air pollutant emissions were based on the UK's National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) and the most recently updated (as of January 2012) National energy usage statistics (UEP43). The Scotland-specific model included the most recently revised (as of January 2012) NOX emission factors, taken from COPERT4 v8.1, and ANPR/DVLA-scaled data to represent the most up-to-date vehicle fleet information for Scotland.

The maps provide spatial representation of the modelled annual mean background NOX, NO2, and gravimetric equivalent PM10 concentrations for 2010; and projected concentrations for 2011-2030. Background annual mean air pollutant concentrations for Local Authority Review and Assessment purposes are now available for download in the form of comma separated (CSV) files. The maps and associated data are available at: