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Choose your options below and as you select each one, the other options will update themselves. If help text is available for each input, click the "help" link on the side.
Select a site by clicking on it.
Site name

Select a site by clicking on it. This tool has been restricted to plotting one site at a time.

Select a variable by clicking on it.

Select a variable by clicking on it. The pollutants available will depend on the selections of other parameters (e.g. site and date range selected). This tool is restricted to plotting one pollutant at a time.

Date Range
Choose to enter either 'Specific Dates' or 'Specific Years'.
Date Range

Choose to enter either 'Specific Dates' or 'Specific Years'. 'Specific Dates' allow you to choose day, month and year to start and stop your analysis. 'Specific Years' will allow you to quickly choose the years of interest to you and the analysis will commence on 1st January and run until 31st December of those selected years.

Date period available
01/01/2005 - 07/06/2024
Y Variable

This option allows you to choose the variable that is used for the y axis. The default is 'Hour', to show the diurnal trend in the y-direction. The other choices include 'Weekday' illustrating trends from working days to the weekends. 'Wind direction' will illustrate trends across eight compass point sectors and 'Wind speed' will show the trend by four quartiles using the modelled wind direction or speed from the UK air quality forecast which can be useful in identifying particular sources.