You can follow Air Quality in Scotland on twitter for air quality forecasts and summaries of measurements from Scotland. This service is automated, with some manual validation for unusual measurements of elevated levels.
The service allows you to stay informed about current and forecasted air quality including the occurrence of air quality episodes. Health advice and information on the UK Air Quality Index should be considered in conjunction with the tweets, particularly when air pollution is elevated.
During weekdays, the automated system will tweet updates about air pollution in Scotland at 9am, 1pm and 5pm. At weekends and public holidays, this will be at 10am and 4pm. If levels are low, only one tweet a day will be issued.
A summary air quality forecast for the next 24 hours will be tweeted each day, typically in the afternoon, allowing you to plan your activities accordingly.
The tweets will generally be labelled according to two categories:
- Latest: These tweets will report the latest measured levels and provide regional summaries. The Scottish local authorities used will match those shown on the homepage of this website. A link will be provided to find out more.
- Forecasts: These tweets will provide a headline of the latest air pollution forecast for Scotland. A link will be provided to the Forecasting section on this website where the full forecast can be viewed.
Please note that incoming tweets will not be replied to as this is an outbound automated system only.
If you have any queries about the automated air pollution tweets, please contact us at