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Aberdeen Errol Place

Aberdeen Errol Place closed on 20/09/2021

You can still view any information available using the Site Information tab, or find data in the Data section.

For more information on this monitoring data please contact this local authority.

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Aberdeen Errol Place closed on 20/09/2021

You can still view any information available using the Site Information tab, or find data in the Data section.

Statistics for Aberdeen Errol Place

Site Name Aberdeen Errol Place
Site Type Urban background
Easting, Northing 394395.80, 807391.98
Latitude, Longitude 57.157360, -2.094278
OS Grid Ref
Site Comments The nearest main road, the A956, is 70m away. The nearest road is 30m away.
Monitoring Network: Scottish Automatic Urban Network
Parameter Date Started Date Ended
Non-volatile PM10 (Hourly measured) 20/02/2009 07/11/2019
Nitric oxide 18/09/1999 20/09/2021
Modelled Temperature 01/08/2010 20/09/2021
PM2.5 particulate matter (Hourly measured) 20/02/2009 20/09/2021
Volatile PM10 (Hourly measured) 20/02/2009 07/11/2019
Nitrogen dioxide 18/09/1999 20/09/2021
Modelled Wind Speed 01/08/2010 20/09/2021
Sulphur dioxide 01/01/2001 31/12/2007
Non-volatile PM2.5 (Hourly measured) 20/02/2009 07/11/2019
Ozone 01/08/2003 20/09/2021
Modelled Wind Direction 01/08/2010 20/09/2021
Nitrogen oxides as nitrogen dioxide 18/09/1999 20/09/2021
Carbon monoxide 18/09/1999 31/12/2007
Volatile PM2.5 (Hourly measured) 20/02/2009 07/11/2019
PM10 particulate matter (Hourly measured) 18/09/1999 20/09/2021

The photographs show the site itself, and views looking North, East, South and West.

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