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Dundee Lochee Road

Latest Data: Updated 27/07/2024 04:00 GMT

Pollutant Index Band Concentration Period
PM2.5 1 LOW 4 µg/m3 (Ref.eq) 24 Hour mean
PM10 1 LOW 8 µg/m3 (FIDAS) 24 Hour mean
NO2 1 LOW 11 µg/m3 hourly mean
PM1 No Data 3 µg/m3 (FIDAS) 24 Hour mean
NO No Data 10 µg/m3 hourly mean

Annual Statistics Report

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Parameter Parameter Name
NO Nitric oxide
NO2 Nitrogen dioxide
PM10 PM10 particulate matter (Hourly measured)
PM2.5 PM2.5 particulate matter (Hourly measured)
PM1 PM1 particulate matter (Hourly measured)

Statistics for Dundee Lochee Road

Site Name Dundee Lochee Road
Site Type Kerbside
Easting, Northing 338859.24, 730774.79
Latitude, Longitude 56.465126, -2.993867
OS Grid Ref
Site Comments Site is on steep main NW arterial route in/out of city. The nearest road is 0.5m from the site.
Monitoring Network: Scottish Automatic Urban Network
Parameter Date Started Date Ended
Nitrogen oxides as nitrogen dioxide 01/01/2006
PM1 particulate matter (Hourly measured) 23/03/2018
Nitrogen dioxide 01/01/2006
Modelled Temperature 01/08/2010
PM10 particulate matter (Hourly measured) 08/04/2011
Modelled Wind Speed 01/08/2010
PM2.5 particulate matter (Hourly measured) 23/03/2018
Modelled Wind Direction 01/08/2010
Nitric oxide 01/01/2006

The photographs show the site itself, and views looking North, East, South and West.

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