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This page provides links to a range of tools and resources designed to assist Scottish local authorities when undertaking LAQM Review and Assessment activities as prescribed under Part IV of the Environment Act 1995.  In addition, links are also provided to several tools designed to support the assessment of the potential air quality impacts of developments and biomass boilers.  

    LAQM Reporting

      LAQM Report Submission Website

      Local Authorities are required to use the LAQM Report Submission Website for electronic submission of their Updating and Screening assessments, Progress Reports, Detailed Assessment and Further Assessments.

        LAQM Report Templates

        Standardised report templates are available to download for Scottish Local Authorities when completing their LAQM Annual Progress Reports. The latest version of the template can be downloaded LAQM Report Template (DOC).

        Other report templates and templates from previous years can be found at:

        Report appraisal checklists 

        These checklists provide information on what is considered for the appraisal of Review and Assessment reports by the Scottish Government. These have been devised based on the current assessment methods described in the Technical Guidance LAQM.TG(22); and aim to judge the scientific validity of the report and its conclusions/recommendations.

            Air Quality Action Planning

            Download the Scottish Local Air Quality Management Policy Guidance LAQM PG(S)(23) (PDF) which provides guidance on Action planning for AQMAs in Scotland. The Action Plan Resource found on this page also provides a helpful guide through the action planning Process, from the declaration of an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA), to the successful implementation of appropriate measures.

            The shared resource on LAQM Action Planning for the Devolved Administrations and Defra contains a wide range of useful information and other guidance on strategies, plans and individual measures for managing local air quality impacts. There are also a number of examples of good practice by other UK local Authorities and links to other organisations who can provide specialist knowledge. Visit the LAQM Action Planning web page to view the range of resources available.

            Air Quality Review and Assessment Tools

            The following tools are provided to support local authorities when undertaking LAQM Review and Assessment activities:

              Local Site Operator (LSO) Manual and videos

              Download the LSO Manual and Videos

                Pollution Background Maps

                To assist with air quality review and assessment, 2018-based background maps for years 2018 to 2030 for NOx, NO2,and PM10 are available on the Mapping page.

                  NO2 Diffusion Tube tools

                  • National diffusion tube bias adjustment factor database - A national database of bias adjustment factors for local authorities to use to correct their diffusion tube measurements is available to download here.
                  • Diffusion tube precision and accuracy spreadsheet tool - If local authorities have their own co-location studies they may calculate their own bias adjustment factor. A spreadsheet has been designed to assist with this. This spreadsheet calculates the precision and accuracy (bias) of individual co-location studies and gives 95% confidence intervals in the bias adjustment calculations.
                  • Diffusion tube Data Processing Tool - This diffusion tube data processing tool has been developed to assist local authorities in processing their NO2 diffusion tube monitoring data.
                  • Annualisation Tool - This annualisation tool has been developed to assist local authorities to annualise NO2 diffusion tube monitoring data at sites with less than 9 months' usable data.
                  • Diffusion tube QA QC Framework - WASP Scheme results - The analytical laboratories that supply and analyse diffusion tubes for Scottish Local Authorities take part in an independent Workplace Analysis Scheme for Proficiency (WASP), operated by the Health and Safety Laboratory. 
                  • Diffusion tube data entry tool - A web-based Data Entry System for collection of NO2 diffusion tube data for Scotland.
                  • Nitrogen Dioxide Fall off with Distance Calculator - A calculator has been produced which estimates the annual mean nitrogen dioxide concentration at one distance from a road, using measurements made at a different distance from the same road.

                  Road traffic emission modelling calculation tools

                  Emissions Factors Toolkit

                  The Emission Factor Toolkit allows users to calculate pollutant emissions from road vehicles using local fleet and speed data. The emission data can be used for emission reduction scenario analysis and/or detailed dispersion modelling of pollutant concentrations.

                  Design Manual for roads and bridges

                  The Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) Screening Model published by the Highways Agency can be used for Review and Assessment purposes when assessing emissions from road sources.

                  NOx/NO2 Calculator

                  This calculator allows local authorities to derive NO2 from NOx when NOx concentrations have been predicted by modelling road traffic emissions. The calculator can also be used to calculate the road component of NOx from roadside NO2 diffusion tube measurements. It incorporates the impact of expected changes in the fraction of NOx emitted as NO2 (f-NO2) and changes in regional concentrations of NOx, NO2 and O3.

                  The latest version of the calculator (v8.1) should only be used with the 2018 reference year background maps and the Emissions Factors Toolkit v10.1 onwards, and can be used for years 2018 to 2030.

                  Point source emission screening tools

                  Industrial Emissions Screening Tool

                  An Excel spreadsheet tool which reproduces the nomograms published in LAQM.TG(22) for screening industrial stack emissions.

                  Biomass calculator

                  A spreadsheet which reproduces the nomograms for screening biomass combustion plant that are published in the LAQM.TG(22) technical guidance.

                  CHP Emissions Screening Tool

                  This spreadsheet based tool provides a simple method for screening the air quality impact of a CHP installation. It supports the guidance document on CHP issued by EPUK. The tool will be useful to developers and local authorities.

                  These tools are originally provided via the Defra website