The latest news is shown below from Air Quality in Scotland, with the most recent at the top.
Fife launches a new green recognition scheme aiming to tackle air pollution from transport.
On Friday 20th June, the Air Quality in Scotland website was updated to include new versions of several LAQM tools. These include:
Ricardo-AEA is proud to announce the launch of the new and improved Air Quality in Scotland database and website today, alongside a new app for phones and tablets.
Defra and the Devolved Administrations provide mapped background air pollution concentration data and an Emissions Factors Toolkit (EFT) to local authorities to support air quality assessment.
The study will investigate how Air Quality varies with height and aims to:
A Call for Evidence has been launched to support a policy review of the Clean Air Act 1993 in Scotland. The Act is being reviewed with the following objectives:
On the 11th April 2012, updated mapped concentrations of background NOX, NO2 and PM10 on a 1 x 1 km grid square basis were made available on the Scottish Air Qualit
The Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants (COMEAP) was asked by Defra and the Devolved Administrations to review the Air Quality Index to ensure that it is fit for purpose given develo