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The latest news is shown below from Air Quality in Scotland, with the most recent at the top.

The Scottish Government has published new Local Air Quality Management Policy Guidance PG(S) (16) which is intended to help local authorities with their local air quality management duties under th

Fife Council held its second ECO Stars workshop to help Fife fleet operators become more efficient and improve local air quality.

The annual Scottish Air Quality Database and Website Annual Seminar takes place on Tuesday 22 March 2016 at the IET Glasgow: Teacher Building, 14 St Enoch Square, Glasgow G1 4DB.

The "Cleaner Air for Scotland – Road to a Healthier Future" (CAFS) strategy was published by Scottish Government in November 2015.

The Scottish Government invites views on draft revisions to the delivery of Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) in Scotland as outlined in the updated LAQM Technical Guidance and Policy Guidance

The COMEAP report on "Quantification of mortality and hospital admissions associated with ground-level ozone" was published on 1st October 2015.

The Scottish Government has published a consultation seeking views on updated air quality plans that set out the action taken and being planned at UK, Scottish and local levels to meet the annual a

See the full news item about Orkney taking delivery of their first electric bus at:

STEP and the Scottish Urban Air Quality Steering Group are seeking volunteers to take part in structured face-to-face and telephone inter

FIFE Council has reaffirmed its commitment to protecting and improving air quality in the Kingdom.

The consultation on the draft Low Emissions Strategy for Scotland has now been published.

The Scottish Transport Emissions Partnership’s Annual Conference will take place at the Edinburgh University School of Informatics on Tuesday 18th November 2014 between 0900 and 1545.

Bonfire and firework displays across Scotland cause elevated Particulate Matter (PM) overnight from 5th to 6th November. More details are available in the brief report below.

Fife launches a new green recognition scheme aiming to tackle air pollution from transport.

On Friday 20th June, the Air Quality in Scotland website was updated to include new versions of several LAQM tools. These include:

Ricardo-AEA is proud to announce the launch of the new and improved Air Quality in Scotland database and website today, alongside a new app for phones and tablets.

Defra and the Devolved Administrations provide mapped background air pollution concentration data and an Emissions Factors Toolkit (EFT) to local authorities to support air quality assessment.

A Call for Evidence has been launched to support a policy review of the Clean Air Act 1993 in Scotland. The Act is being reviewed with the following objectives: