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The latest news is shown below from Air Quality in Scotland, with the most recent at the top.

The UK's annual air quality compliance report for 2010 has recently been published by Defra and the Devolved Administrations.
The Scottish Government is seeking views on updated draft air quality plans that set out the action taken and being planned at UK, Scottish and local levels to meet the annual and hourly EU NO2
It has been recently recognised that an error has been incorporated in the Scotland-specific modelling of background and roadside NO2 maps for 2009, 2010, 2015 and 2020 that were published
During the latest volcanic eruption there is intense interest on the possible UK air quality and resulting health impacts from the eruption and whether the volcanic ash plume is grounding in the UK.
FDMS analysers require substantial investment in ongoing QC and ratification to maximise high quality data and good data capture rates.
Scottish Government, in partnership with Glow, Scotland's online education community and AEA, is pleased to announce the launch of our "Air Pollution Detectives" website today.

The Scottish Government has recently invited Scottish Local Authorities to apply for air quality funding for 2011/12.

The invitation comprises of three sections relating to:

Openair provides free, open-source innovative data analysis tools in R; a free and open-source programming language designed for the analysis

The Scottish Government has launched the Scottish Air Quality Discussion Forum as part of the Scottish Air Quality Database and Website.

We’ve noted some high PM10 concentrations measured at East Dunbartonshire Kirkintilloch AQM site in the last week.

A cloud of volcanic ash from the eruption of the Eyjafallajokull volcano in Iceland continues to affect UK airspace.

Currently there is a cloud of volcanic ash situated over the UK, caused by the eruption of the Eyjafallajokull volcano in Iceland.